Sagan 4 Alpha Wiki:Common misconceptions

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There are many misconceptions about Sagan 4. This page serves to correct as many of them as possible.

Misconception Reality
Sagan 4 has a mass extinction event at the end of every Week. Sagan 4 does prefer to set extinction events at Week boundaries so that the ecosystem page from before the event will be left intact, but most Weeks do not end in an extinction event, only a map update.
Only atheists can contribute to Sagan 4. Sagan 4 is a work of fiction which uses the theory of evolution within its worldbuilding. A creationist, such as a Christian, who does not believe in evolution is as capable of contributing to Sagan 4 as they would be to a project with a strict magic system, as long as they are willing to learn how it works.
If you don't evolve a species, it goes extinct. Species that aren't evolved can eventually become extinct from food or habitat loss, but if they had a good habitat range to start with, this can take a very long time. Barring intentional replacement or a mass extinction event, species will be left extant for as long as they can survive wherever they were initially placed.
Sagan 4 is anarchy / a free for all and I can do anything I want. Sagan 4 has rules and standards for submissions. You might be thinking of 2s2t.
You have to be a good artist to join Sagan 4. Sagan 4 has no rules or regulations on art quality. In terms of artwork, what matters most is actually resembling the organism it's meant to be--a beautiful, photo-realistic raptor would never pass as a sauceback, while an MS Paint drawing with shaky lines easily could as long as the artist actually referenced a sauceback.
Sagan 4 has nothing but boring Earth clones. Sagan 4 has a mixture of earthly and unearthly species, including numerous examples that are completely unlike anything on Earth such as saucebacks, skuniks, and wingworms. Further, most of the "earthly" species are only earthly in shape (eg. gilltails are shaped like fish because being shaped like a fish is useful for swimming), and those that remain, such as nodents and shrews, are still very distinct from their terran counterparts--you'd never see a trailblazer or a tamjack on Earth.

See Also