Binucleus Stella Dodecahedron: Difference between revisions

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'''Binucleus Stella Dodecahedron''' is part of a larger family of crystalline microorganisms that stem from the symbiotic relationship between [[Binucleus Icosahedron|mega binucleus icosahedron]] and [[BinucleusBinucluse Truncated Icosahedron|Megabinuclus Binucleusphotoedotruncated Truncated Icosahedronicosahedron]]. The Megabinucleus Binucleusphotoedotruncated Truncated Icosahedronicosahedron evolutionary line improved its cell walls, making them thicker to protect itself from [[Protomancerxia Parasitica|protomancerxia parasitica]] and other parasites. The thicker cell wall also protected the Megabinuclus Binucleusphotoedotruncated Truncated Icosahedronicosahedron from the Megabinucleus Binucleusdetritivorus Icosahedronicosahedron enzymes. They are slow growing, but have no real competitors because of their thick outer shell and deadly enzymes. Many Binucleusbinucleus Stellastella Dodecahedrondodecahedron have several color pigments depending on where they live. The most remarkable examples gain a rainbow color and it will color shift with time. The deeper-living Binucleusbinucleus Stellastella Dodecahedrondodecahedron tend to be more red in color while those living close to the surface gain a more green tone. Those that live at the lowest deeps are almost black, lacking all other color pigments.
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