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|name = Eggslurping Sorite
|week = 26
|generation = 163
|creator = OviraptorFan
|image = Eggslurping Sorite.png
|extant =
|exweek =
|exgen =
|excause =
|ancestor = Lazarus Soriparasite
|habitat = Dixon-Darwin Boreal
|habitat2 = Darwin Chaparral
|habitat3 = Dixon-Darwin Rocky
|habitat4 = Darwin Temperate Woodland
|size = 16 centimeters long
|diet = Hemophagus, Ovivorous ([[Ramchin]], [[Swiftsnapper]], [[Goliath Flunejaw]], [[Montemsnapper]], [[Nectarsnapper]], [[Long-Tailed Flunejaw]], [[Nightsnapper]], [[Robynsnapper]], [[Kehaida]], [[Fluneinzee]])
|respiration = Active (Lungs)
|thermoregulation = Ectotherm (Basking)
|reproduction = Sexual (Male and Female, Live Birth, Milk)
|domain = Eukaryota
|kingdom = Carpozoa
|phylum = Spondylozoa
|class = Soricia
|order = Cynosauriformes
|superfamily = Soriparasitoidea
|family = Myzolabidae
|genus = Ovigulosorex
|species = oviprandium