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|name = Gliding Slugworm
|week = 13
|generation = 83
|creator = Blarg
|image = GlidingSlugworm.jpg
|extant = 1
|excause=replaced by descendant
|ancestor = Slugworm
|size = 12 cm Long
|habitat = King Beach
|habitat2 = Flisch Beach
|diet = Omnivore ([[Stickyglobes]], Dead Plant matter, Dead [[Beakworm]]s Found on beach)
|reproduction= Hermaphroditic (eggs)
|domain = Eukaryota
|kingdom = Binucleozoa
|phylum = Thoracocephalia
|class = Optidorsalia
|order = Cataleipoptera
|suborder = Membranopennes
|family = Laborlapsidae
|genus = Laborlapsus
|species = ignauvermis