Hydrogen Burner

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Hydrogen Burner
(Pyroceras aquaticus)
Main image of Hydrogen Burner
Species is extinct.
19/?, unknown cause
CreatorXenomoose Other
HabitatLadyM Ocean (Sunlight Zone)
Primary MobilityUnknown
DietConsumer (Cytovore)/ Hydrogen Fusion
Pyroceras aquaticus

The hydrogen burner has replaced its ancestor in the sunlight zone, driving its ancestor into deep waters. The hydrogen burner has a very different way of living than its ancestor. To increase its metabolism, it burns its hydrogen internally for higher energy. It can also produce hydrogen the same way as its ancestor.

It is composed of four cells, the main body, two "arm cells", and the burning chamber. Its burning chamber has many pores to release excess heat. It uses this excess heat from burning hydrogen to create a one-way convection current in the water to propel it forward at high speed and great control. Its burning chamber is also separated from the rest of the cell with a thick cell membrane, to protect the organelles. Its body can withstand extreme heat even though the only heat it would likely be exposed to is itself. It can also expel a small jet of hot hydrogen from its proboscis to protect itself.

Its hydrogen burning means that it can no longer produce enough energy solely in the old way. It would not produce enough to sustain itself. It must obtain energy from an extra source, by attacking other cells. It feeds by capturing its prey in its "arm cells". The prey is gripped with bristly tentacles from the main body, plus its "arm" spikes. The prey is then injected with massive amounts of cool hydrogen that spreads throughout the victims entire system. This isn't what kills it however. After the hydrogen has spread enough it injects very hot hydrogen through an extendable center proboscis directly from the burning chamber. This ignites the prey cell, and it is incinerated from within to ashen flotsam. The Hydrogen burner then "vacuums" up the floating ash directly to the burning chamber with its two side tubes next to its main proboscis, to use for extra fuel its body.

Its high metabolism allows it to reproduce very quickly. The hydrogen burner divides by creating a second burning chamber, and then splitting off from it. The hydrogen burners group together for safety at night, using their bright lights to confuse filter-feeders who might eat them. When they group together, they can expel jets of hot hydrogen all at once, causing burns to those who come into contact with them. When day comes, they disperse and go back to feeding.

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