
From Sagan 4 Alpha Wiki

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Irisozoa includes all Marephasmatises, Filtersquids and Hydrosquids on Sagan 4.

Parasite Marephasmatis is an example of Irisozoa.

Domain: Eukaryota
Superkingdom: Viridisagania
Kingdom: Carpobiota
Subkingdom: Pancarpota
Superphylum: Carpozoa
Phylum: Irisozoa

Superclass - Marephasmatimorpha

(basal marephasmatises)

Class -


Class -

(Placidus Marephasmatis)

Superclass - Illustricinguletes

(Rainbow Marephasmatis and kin)

Class - Illustricingula

Superclass - Teuthomorpha

(filtersquids and hydrosquids)

Class - Eutentaculata


Order - Mareteuthii

(basal filtersquids)

Order - Trichioteuthii


Order - Physalloteuthiformes


Class - Cystoteuthia

(krakens and skimmers)

Order - Sputatorivesicaformes

(Hydrogen Jellysquid)

Subclass - Nectophysallia


Order - Aeroneustiformes


Subclass - Pankrakenia


Order - Planktoteuthiformes


Superorder - Herpetoteuthiformes

(land hydrosquids)

Order - Herpetoteuthii

(basal land hydrosquids)

Order - Scleropodoteuthii


Order - Lipopodoteuthii


Order - Chthamaloteuthii

(modern teuthopins)

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