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|name = Leafshell
|week = 20
|generation = 132
|creator = Hydromancerx
|image = Leafshell.jpg
|extant = 1
|ancestor = Tuffchub
|size = 50 cm Long
|habitat = Clayren Tropical Coast
|habitat2 = Clayren Tropical Beach
|habitat3 = Hydro Swamp
|habitat4 = Hydro River
|habitat5 = Ovi River
|habitat6 = South Barlowe Boreal
|diet = Herbivore ([[River Tuffdra]], [[Coastal Tuffdra]], [[Humgrove]], [[Marsh Humm]], [[Lunggrow]]), Photosynthesis
|reproduction= Sexual, Live Birth, Two Sexes
|domain = Eukaryota
|kingdom = Mancerxa
|phylum = Chloropodia
|class = Pterophylla
|subclass = Rostrophylla
|superorder = Dromeophylla
|order = Celerisaltores
|suborder = Conchanatiformes
|family = Conchoanatidae
|genus = Conchianas
|species = migratus