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|name = Macgilltail
|week = 18
|generation = 121
|creator = Hydromancerx
|image = Macgilltail.jpg
|extant = 1
|ancestor = Gilltail
|size = 30 cm Long
|habitat = Ittiz Coast
|diet = Carnivore ([[Krillpede]], [[Urstar]], [[Rusty Urchip]], [[Sail Gillfin]], [[Curtain Urstar]], [[Rolling Foi]], [[Diamiboard Shocker]])
|reproduction= Sexual, Two Genders, Eggs into the Sand
|domain = Eukaryota
|kingdom = Binucleozoa
|phylum = Sagavermes
|class = Rostrovermichthyes
|order = Caudabranchia
|family =
|genus = Branchioura
|species = macmimus
The '''macgilltail''' split from its ancestor the [[gilltail]]. It has moved to the [[Ittiz Coast]] where it has become an opportunistic hunter. It is so voracious that it will take on prey larger than itself such as the [[Sail Gillfin|sail gillfin]] or [[Diamiboard Shocker|diamiboard shocker]]. However there are still much larger predators it much look out for such as the [[Triplefin Snark|triplefin snark]].
It will lay its eggs in the sand in the many bays of [[Ittiz Coast]]. They travel in smaller packs in order to kill larger prey. However when the prey is killed they go into a freezing frenzy. They are very bold and aggressive. They will attack back any predator who seeks to eat them. Males tend to have brighter orange fins in order to attract a mate. When spawning the female will lay her eggs in the sand and then the male will fertilize them and then cover the eggs with his tail.