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|diet = Herbivore ([[Stout Lamp-Palm]] leaves, [[Mega Orbitree]] leaves)
|reproduction= Sexual, Lays hard-shelled eggs in nests, Two genders
|domain = Eukaryota
|kingdom = Carpozoa
|phylum = Spondylozoa
|class =
|order =
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The neckeyes are monogamous and mate for life. They will build huge dirt and branches mounds for their nests. These nests are built near other mating pairs. They lay 3 to 4 eggs each year and will raise their young together. They take turns sitting on the nest as well as feeding the chicks pre-chewed leafs when they hatch. After a year the chicks join the herd as they migrate throughout the forest leaving leafless [[Stout Lamp-Palm|stout lamp-palms]] and mega orbitrees without low leaves. They reach sexual maturity after about 6 years and live and average of 28 years.
[[category:herbivore]] [[category:folivore]]
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