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The '''Parrotwormparrotworm''' evolved from the [[Multicolor Beakworm|multicolor beakworm]]. It still lives in the reefs, but it's far bigger (1.5 to 2 meters), and its beak is much stronger. It feeds on [[Urchipurchip]]s with its beak so it won't be hurt by the spikes. Then it will swallow the leaving sap and soft bowels. The spikes and skin will be food for some smaller beakworms and [[Stingerpedestingerpede]]s. Sometimes they hunt Stingerpadesstingerpades with the same technique, but only rarely. They aren't hunted by the [[Snarksnark]]s, because they can use their beak as an effective weapon, and when a Snarksnark loses a fight, it will become prey for the worm.
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