Polacanthu Gulper: Difference between revisions

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|name = Polacanthu Gulper
|week = 15
|generation = 99
|creator = Truteal
|image = polacanthugulper.png
|extant = 1
|excause=gamma-ray burst
|ancestor = Ankephalo Gulper
|size = 1.2 m Long
|habitat = Yokto Island
|support=Endoskeleton (Jointed Wood)
|habitat2 =
|diet = Omnivore (Mostly plants but also worms)
|reproduction= Sexual, live birth, two genders
|respiration=Active (Lungs)
|domain = Eukaryota
|kingdom = Mancerxa
|phylum = Phytozoa
|class = Terraphytozoa
|order = Barbellaphyta
|family = Chelynotonidae
|genus = Plenthogus
|species = polacanthus
Because of the risk of hurting its breathing hole its tail club has now atrophied. '''Polacanthu gulper''' now has spines on the sides of its shell-like structure and rams sideways into predators or each other when fighting for mates. It has replaced its ancestor on [[Yokto Island]], causing it to go extinct.
Picture by [[User:LadyM|LadyM]].