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Seaswimmers have no limbs, like their [[Limblesses|limbless]] ancestors, and thus move by rippling their body. All seaswimmers have a forward-projecting tooth, used to stab at prey or in territorial fights, while in others, such as the [[Sanddigger Seaswimmer]], it is used to dig up prey hidden in the sand. In some, this tooth has become a horn located farther up the head. They possess three eyes and four snorkel-like nostrils, and have a fluke at the end of their tails. Their skin is extremely streamlined, being very smooth in texture, and covers a layer of blubber that provides warmth. Some, like the [[Emperor Seaswimmer]], are partially homeothermic.
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Seaswimmers have three pairs of eyes, like their limbless ancestors. The [[Emperor Seaswimmer]] has modified sensory cells beneath its lower jaw which are highly sensitive to vibrations in the water.
Most seaswimmers are around 50-170 centimeters (.5 to 1.7 meters) in length, but one species, the [[Tumor Seaswimmer|tumor seaswimmer]], has grown to a massive size of nearly 4 meters through the evolutionary effects of shallows gigantism.