Spitting Nede

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Spitting Nede
(Segmentocollas toxus)
Main image of Spitting Nede
Species is extant.
CreatorHydromancerx Other
HabitatNuke Temperate Forest
Size1 m Long
Primary MobilityUnknown
DietCarnivore (Baby and Weak Tuskelak)
ReproductionSexual, encapsulated spores, two genders
Segmentocollas toxus

Spitting Nede split from the Swinging Nede. It is no longer arboreal and lives on the ground. Since the Tuskelak had no predators they became quite abundant. The Spitting Nede took advantage of this food source despite being only 1/4th the size of a Tuskelak. It has developed poisonious spit in which it will project into its preys eyes, thus blinding them. Like all of the Pede line they have no eyes and see with their antenna. They have developed bristles on the end to better "see" in the air environment. Once blinded they will swarm the Tuselak pinching, clawing and biting with their claws, tail and beak. They are not social normally except when hunting. The smell of their split puts them in a feeding frenzy. Tusleak are easy to find due to their loud foot fall.

When breeding, one gender of the Spitting Nede lays spores encapsulated in jelly in a pool of water. The other gender then inserts the equivalent of sperm, causing the spore to start to form into a young Spitting Nede. These young stay in the water until they are strong enough to swing through the pambu.