

From Sagan 4 Alpha Wiki

This template is to be used on all biomes pages along with {{BiomeSpecies}} and {{BiomeSpecies2}}.


|name        = 
|week        = If extinct list the week it existed (along with week2,week3,ect. below).  If extant input its first week.
|week2       = 
|image       = Just the file name, leave blank if none (optional)
|extant      = (If extinct, place a 1 here.  If extanct leave blank)
|predecessor = 

Example input

|name        = Rhodix Vents
|week        = 6
|image       = rhodixvents.jpg
|extant      = 
|predecessor = Deep Ocean Vent
text text text text text

Example output

Rhodix Vents
Image of Rhodix Vents.
Biome is extant.

6 - Present

Classification Marine Vents
Size Rule Abyssal Gigantism (10x size increase allowed)
Preceded by Followed by

text text text text text

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