Uksip Terricola: Difference between revisions

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When its [[Uksip Krilliformes|ancestor]] comecame close to shallows, this had to develop its posterior members to allow its movement in muddy and waters with manya lot sedimentssediment, transforming the old appendicesappendages into two fine legs. Now its tentacles also are used to walk and its paddle is used for giving balance to it. This creature acquired amphibious habits, starting to live in shallows and inon the land. InOn land, the '''Terricola''' is very fast, and its way to walk resembles itthat of a spider. The parasitismParasitism, a characteristic that was abandoned by all the descendants of the [[Protomancerxia Thremaparasitiva]], returns in this creature. When it perceives the approach of a target, it starts to run and jumps on the victim, where it arrests it with its long stings and legs and starts to suck it. CaseIn case the victim reacts and tries to kill it, the '''Terricola''' quickly is gottengets loose and runruns away so that it cannot be reached.
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