Askell Lava Field

From Sagan 4 Alpha Wiki

Askell Lava Field
Image of Askell Lava Field.

Landmark is extant.

Creator Coolsteph Other
Week 25
Location Maineiac Volcanic

The Askell Lava Field is mostly flat, and at about 1,600 m, positioned at a lower elevation than the surrounding Maineiac Volcanic biome. It is composed mainly of basalt. It is a small landmark, at about 14 kilometers wide at time of establishment. ("Establishment" being when a small, nameless, now-extinct volcano erupted and its lava cooled around it) The nameless volcano is now nothing but a hill at the summit of the landmark.

(Location is the yellow dot)

Soon after its formation, the field was colonized by pioneering species, as seen below.

(Species shown: rustmolds, tepoflora, chitjorns, glaalgaes, and pioneeroots.)

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