Azure Phlyer

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Revision as of 21:55, 24 June 2021 by imported>OviraptorFan
Azure Phlyer
(Picigrypus hyacinthinus)
Main image of Azure Phlyer
Species is extant.
CreatorHydromancerx Other
HabitatDrake Temperate Rainforest
Size70 cm Wingspan
Primary MobilityUnknown
DietInsectivore (Grovecrystal Krugg, Bloodback, Dartirs, Sapworms, Vermees), Photosynthesis
RespirationActive (Lungs)
ThermoregulationHeterotherm (Basking, Muscle-Generated Heat)
ReproductionSexual, Live Birth, Two Genders
Picigrypus hyacinthinus

The azure phlyer split from its ancestor the rosybeak phyler. It has specialized in small fauna in Drake. Their beaks have adapted to eating bugs. They have grown larger and now have primitive claws on their feet. This helps them grip the bark of the trees they land on. Now mostly arboreal they will build their nests up in the treetops. This is to keep away from the many ground predators.

They are much more social than their ancestor and will stay in large flocks. Males are brightly colored to attract a mate while females are a drab gray or dull purple to blend in with the leaves of the purple flora. However their wings are still photosynthetic and are bright green. Thus females must fold up their wings if they wish to hide. Males and females pair off each season.