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Revision as of 06:54, 21 February 2008 by imported>Neoskel
(Muscavermis blindoculus)
Main image of Blindworm
Species is extant.
CreatorHydromancerx Other
HabitatMartyk Sandstone Caves
Size1 cm Long
Primary MobilityUnknown
DietScavenger, Detritivore
ReproductionHermaphrodite (Eggs), Lays Eggs in Rotting Organic Matter
Muscavermis blindoculus

The blindworm replaced its ancestor the eyed flyworm. After the Gamma Ray Burst the eyed flyworm's range was reduced to only the sandstone caves. Thus the only surviving population eventually adapted to the cave environment. In the darkness there was no more need for sight or protective pigment so it lost all its pigment and its eyes no longer work.

However now blind it still had to get around. Flying was not really needed either in an enclosed environment where you could bump into things. So the wings evolved into new functions. The front pair of wings now work like whiskers to feel its way around the cave. The 2nd pair of wings evolved into am even more sensitive chemical sensing organ. The bristles collect not only the smells of its food sources but of any predators and the pheromones of other blindworms.

The rest of the wings have fused together to make an ear and at the bottom of the ear is a privative tympanic membrane in which it can hear from. Its has no legs so it much inch along. They lay thousands of eggs in the dung or decaying matter of the caves. They live very short lives which only last around a day. Thus they must find food and mate within hours of hatching. This rapid life cycle and breeding rate means they can adapt quicker to an ever changing cave environment.