Bloodskin Skywatcher

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Bloodskin Skywatcher
(Scopaspidopophis primus)
Main image of Bloodskin Skywatcher
Species is extant.
CreatorNergali Other
HabitatBarlowe Tundra
Size80 cm Long
Primary MobilityUnknown
DietCarnivore (Spelunkhoe, Slider Snoa, Polar Thaworm, Shrieking Woodjaw, Helmethead Uksip, Uksor), Scavenger
RespirationActive (Lungs)
ReproductionSexual, Two Sexes, Live Birth
Scopaspidopophis primus

The bloodskin skywatcher split from its ancestor and quickly became a common sight throughout Barlowe. Besides spending more time on the surface, it has developed dark coloration in order to absorb heat, a pudgy body to retain it, as well as a protective "dome" that covers its head. Males possess a larger dome in order to attract females with by banging their foreheads against the ground in order to create a mating song. An extra layer of cranial fluids cushions their brains, so the beating does not put them at risk of brain damage. Once impregnated, the female will eventually give birth to live young after a ten-month period.

While their two pairs of back eyes face skyward, the front pair is mounted on "turrets" similarly to those used by chameleons of Earth. With this they can effectively look in two different directions at once without having to move their heads.