Bulette Lizardworm

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Revision as of 08:34, 20 October 2007 by imported>Hydromancerx
Bulette Lizardworm
Main image of Bulette Lizardworm
Species is extinct.
14/?, unknown cause
CreatorHydromancerx Other
HabitatOvi-Hydro Plains
SizeMedium (120 cm) Long
Primary MobilityUnknown
DietCarnivore (Fortress Weavercrab)
ReproductionSexual (Hermaphrodites. Lay broods of up to 150 eggs; of those only around 10 will hatch).

The Bulette Lizardworm split from the Lizardworm. It now specializes in eaten only the Fortress Weavercrab. Since their prey was around the same size as them they had to grow bigger; now they are twice the size of their prey. Their front legs now are digging claws so it can dig into the hard outside of the Weavercrab's fortress.

They have evolved a sharp hooked beak used to pry open the exoskeleton of the Weavercrabs. Their own exoskeleton is hard as well to defend against the weavercrab's scooped pincers. Their coloring is brown to blending with the brown dirt in the area. They have also developed saliva that can dissolve the weavercrab's webbing so they can better breach through the soil walls.