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First Appearance



47 total / 15 extant


Flat Centifin

Community and Production Information
Marine Arthrofin is an example of a centiworm.


Centiworms have a long, slender body made up of many thin segments with an armored "head" that protects most of the vital organs. They have multiple pincers on this head which they use to maniplulate their enviroment.


Breathing and Blood

The Mud Centiworm has blue gills behind its head.

They have blue copper blood. They breathe through gills and primitive lungs.

Diet & Energy

The Boring Centiworm is a herbivore.

Most centiworms are detrivores however some like the Boring Centiworm are herbivores, while others like the Slitherworm are carnivores. The Slithering Centiworm are haemophagic while the Egg Slitherworm is an ovivore.


Flat Centifin, the first centiworm species.


The Slitherworm can climb.

Most centiworms dig in underground while some can slither or climb.


The Centiworm is the 1st to evolve spore-like eggs.

They have 3 sexes and lay egg-like spores.


The Slithering Centiworm was the 1st to evolve 3 primitive eyes.

The most centiworms have no eyes, but can sense vibrations in their surroundings with their bodies and jaws. The Slithering Centiworm was the 1st to evolve 3 primitive eyes.


The Thaworm is the smallest centiworm.

The largest centiworm is the Slitherworm at 80 cm Long. The smallest is the Thaworm at 10 cm Long.

Types of Centiworms