Digging Mudworm

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Digging Mudworm
(Grafarmr dreckwurm)
Main image of Digging Mudworm
Species is extinct.
19/125, ice comet impact event
CreatorDacmat22 Other
HabitatBone Swamp
Size1.5 m Long
Primary MobilityUnknown
SupportMixed Endoskeleton and Exoskeleton (Chitin)
DietCarnivore (Bloated Serpentsaur)
RespirationActive (Microlungs)
ReproductionSexual (Eggs)
Grafarmr dreckwurm

The digging mudworm has replaced its ancestor in the bone swamp and has started to come up onto land but spends most of its time in the water. It now hunts bloated serpentsaurs as its main source of food. It will know when it finds one when it feels the spikes hit its armor. Then it will put its mouth directly into the ground to suck out as much of the fluids that it takes to fill it up. It will stay by the carcass for awhile until it gets hungry again and then takes a second gulp. It has developed claws to use for digging if it can’t reach its intended victim, but they will also use it for mating. The males will hook their hands together and stand on their hind legs. They then push each other for the female. The female has the middle hands to hold its two eggs that it lays. They will protect the eggs until they are dead.