Generation 140 (Mason)

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Disaster (Super Volcano)

 A Super Volcano eruption causes a chain reaction of volcanoes all over the world to erupt
 as well as 2 new volcanic regions; Mae Volcanic and Raptor Volcanic. This massive eruption
 caused orbit voltflora to launch their seeds in mass, flooding the skies with seeds. Some
 of which landed on Sagan 4's moon, Mason. While the seeds died they did bring over a few
 microbes to Mason. The those that survived landed in Yokto Volcanic. Back on Sagan 4, all
 macro life in the existing volcanic regions went extinct including the geothermal vents.
 The massive amount of ash in the atmosphere blocks out the sunlight and much of the
 photosythetic flora die. This causes a chain reaction of famine and starvation. In
 addition the lack of sunlight plunges Sagan 4 into an even deeper ice age. Almost the entire
 planet is covered in global glacier and only a few places at the equator stay warm enough
 to not freeze over. The ocean levels drop significantly until all that's left are two
 shallow seas. The geothermal vents in the middle of the seas keep them warm enough not
 to freeze. The sea salinity goes up, but most marine species are able to cope with it.
 Deeper ocean zones disappear due to the shallowness of the new seas.Over time the ash
 eventually clears and the sun returns. With the sunlight back the seeds and spores of
 the dead photosynthetic flora regrow. In addition the extra greenhouses gasses from the
 volcanoes tip the Sagan 4 enough to gradually get warmer. However it will still be awhile
 before the Sagan 4 will return to normal.