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(Lacrymonaias genuknebis)
Main image of Karyowee
Species is extinct.
19/125, ice comet impact event
CreatorRhodix Other
HabitatNorth Tundra, North Polar Coast, LadyM Open Ocean, Jujubee Open Ocean
Size3 m Long
Primary MobilityUnknown
ReproductionSexual, hard-shelled eggs (broodcare), two sexes
Konydonta (info)
Lacrymonaias genuknebis

Some groups of this creature started to be found in the North Tundra, in regions near to the coast, near to mounts covered by snow. Small alterations in the crymaid body made it develops stronger arms, with small membranes between the fingers that helps in the object manipulation. Its tail is shorter, but stronger, and is better adapted to walk. Now, while the karyowee grows, a crest grows a little above of its tooth. With it, the female is capable to demonstrate when she is apt to mating, to take care of its eggs and brood, or when she is searching for food, by the alteration of its color.

When ready to mating, the karyowee female modifies the color of its crest to purple. In this time, with its strong teeth, the couples of karyowee are capable to excavate tunnels in mountains covered by snow. While the male breaks the ice and slowly pierces the rock, the female removes soil and snow of the tunnel and constructs the gate of the cave with snowballs. Each cave consists of a core, destined for the maternal cares, and of diverse entrances of ventilation located little above. During the day they remain outside of the burrow to be heated by the light of Sagan.

When the cave is completed, the female constructs its nest in a hole in the rock and she fills it with snow, creating a soft cradle for its brood. Modifying the color of its crest to green it tries to calm the brood. Each hatch has one to three babies and these, when born, remain a good time next to its mother, who heats them. The primitive sense of hearing and smell, present before in the snowky and a little improved on its ancestor, developed a little more, assisting the female to recognize the younglings and to keep them joined. The cave is a good alternative to dribble the cold of the polar region, once that, when closed, the temperature in its interior remains constant most part of the year. In this period, the male searches for food in the sea and land for the younglings and for its pair, and closes the cave each time that he leaves or enter on it.

After some weeks, the younglings are capable of feeding by themselves. Then they are encouraged to scale the air inlets and to remove the snow covering by its mother, taking a first contact with the environment in a position a bit more privileged than in the ground. Soon after, they go down the hill and slide until its father, who guides in search of small creatures and vegetables, while the female rests in the interior of the burrow and its crest retakes the original coloration, orange. Once that the crest color of the males is always orange (due to its blood color), the females can easily be confused with them and, for this reason, prevent the mating.

This care with the younglings occurs until they reach about the quarter size of the parents, being left to feed by themselves. Even though not live in larger groups, part of the younglings generates families next to its old one, assisting in the activities of search of food and construction of burrows. The karyowee did not replace its ancestor, a time that the crymaid lives mainly in the cold waters and icebergs of the north hemisphere, and the karyowee lives mainly in land, diving to search food.

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