Mount Stratohorn

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Mount Stratohorn
Image of Mount Stratohorn.

Landmark is extint.

Creator Hydromancerx Other
Week 19
Location Flisch-Krakow Alpine

Mount Stratohorn is the tallest peak on Sagan 4. It is cause by the Flisch-Krakow Plate pushing against the Huggs-Yokto plate. This process has been going on for millions of years. At its peak it reaches 10 km from the ocean floor. Before the Raptorian Period ice comet rose the sea level, it was 8 km above sea level, but now it is only 7 km above sea level. The stratosphere starts at 8 to 15 km above sea level. At the poles its only around 8 km while at the equator its around 15 km. Mount Stratohorn sits roughly half way between the north pole and the equator and thus has a stratosphere of 11 to 12 km above sea level over it. So while it never has quite made it into the stratosphere it has gotten close. And since it is still growing it should reach it in the future.