Scrub Flowerworm

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Scrub Flowerworm
(Xenosporovermis vepresolium)
Main image of Scrub Flowerworm
Species is extinct.
18/123, meteor impact
CreatorHuckbuck Other
HabitatKrakow Scrub
Size2.5 m Tall
Primary MobilitySessile
SupportExoskeleton (Chitin)
RespirationPassive (Tracheae)
ReproductionSexual, Nectar-like Gametes, Eggs, Hermaphrodite
Symbiovermes (info)
Polyptera (info)
Xenosporovermis vepresolium

The scrub flowerworm replaced the hatching shrubworm. The eggs of the hatching shrubworm wasn't as effective at finding good places to downroot as the older worms. This lead to that quite a strange mutation was favored and the scrub flowerworm evolved. The "trunk" of the scrub flowerworm is almost completely under ground, this is mainly for protection. The eggs now grow on the side of the "trunk under the earth, and when the worm inside the egg is big enough it cracks the now much thinner shell of the egg.

The worms of the scrub flowerworm are quite different from their ancestors. They never leave the underground before downrooting, this to protect themselves. They move under the surface of the scrub by digging with their strong "roots" and their wings which don't develop leaves until the worm is downrooted. As soon as the young worm find a good spot that isn't so close to it's parent plant that they must compete for sunlight they downroot, sticking the tail and the wings up above the earth and putting the roots downwards, moving them around a bit to make earth fall down around them and make it stable. When they have done this the flower of the scrub flowerworm automatically starts to grow, along with leaves on the wings.

The scrub flowerworm is now downrooted. However it has to hurry, since it doesn't get any energy until they have started to grow leaves so if they have a hard time finding a good spot they will die. This has lead to that most scrub flowerworms are gathered in large fields, growing as close to each other as possible without competing more then necessary for sunlight. There was one more problem with the hatching shrubworm, and that was that it had to "compete" for the creatures they depend on for pollination. This has made the scrub flowerworm to evolve both a bigger and more colorful flower and even more attracting smell. They also have their leaves placed lower down, underneath the flower. The reason this was favored was because the big deep blue leaves combined with the blood red flower and the attractive smell was very effective for attracting the nectarivores. This lead to the scrub flowerworm replacing its ancestor.

Living Relatives (click to show/hide)

These are randomly selected, and organized from lowest to highest shared taxon. (This may correspond to similarity more than actual relation)
  • Lamarckian Dracoworm (subclass Polyptera)