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Superkingdom - Huggkrusagania

Kingdom - Carpota

Subkingdom - Carpophytae

Carpophytae includes the descendants of Carpotesta Multifilae on Sagan 4.

Phylum - Carpophyta

Subkingdom - Carpozoa

Superphylum - "Archaecarpota"

Phylum - Procarpota

(Microbial Carpozoans)

Superphylum - Eucarpozoa

Eucarpozoa includes the "squids", marephasmatises, "vertebrate fauna", and all of their closest relatives on Sagan 4.

Phylum - Palaeolucezoa

(Carpotesta Glutterielux and Carpotesta Luceremundare)

Phylum - Irisozoa

(Marephasmatises, Filtersquids and Hydrosquids)

Phylum - Spondylozoa

(Snappers, Snarks, and Caudopods)

Superkingdom - Viridisagania

Kingdom - Chloroasterobiota

Chloroasterobiota includes all Crescos on Sagan 4.

Division - Chloroasterophyta


Division - Chlorokinetes

(basal crescos)

Division - Tetrabrachiophyta


Kingdom - Flovaniozoa

Flovaniozoa includes all flovars on Sagan 4.

Kingdom - Forzanumeribiota

Forzanumeribiota includes all solumcrusta on Sagan 4.

Kingdom - Luminophilia

Luminophilia includes all luminuses, redmosses, and boneflora on Sagan 4.

Division - Erythrophyta

(Redmosses and Boneflora)

Division - Viridiluminia

(green luminuses)

Kingdom - Mancerxia

Mancerxa includes all Plents, Ukfauna, and their close relatives on Sagan 4.

Subkingdom - Juxtamancerxa


Phylum - Konydonta


Phylum - Rotoradiazoa


Phylum - Siphonomancerxa

(Infectoids and Radias)

Subkingdom - Phytozoa

(True Plents)

Phylum - Chloropodia


Phylum - Eophytozoa


Phylum - Phylloichthyia


Phylum - Zoodendronta


Subkingdom - Primimancerxia

(Microbial Mancerxians)

Phylum - Protomancerxia

(Microbial Mancerxians)

Kingdom - Chlorocytobiota

Chlorocytobiota includes all Chlorocytuses on Sagan 4.

Division - Euglenamimia

Kingdom - Photosaganiphyta

Photosaganiphyta includes all flash cells and flashkelps on Sagan 4.

Kingdom - Dendrontia

Dendrontia includes all dendrons on Sagan 4.

Superkingdom -

Kingdom - Cilliognathiozoa

Cilliognathiozoa includes all rorms arrowheads, and their close relatives on Sagan 4.

Phylum - Siphonoverma

(rorms and arrowheads)

Kingdom - Flaviphyta

Flaviphyta includes all Crocusism on Sagan 4.

Division - Masoniphyta

(Mason flora)

Division - Twinkiirontia


Kingdom - Trinucleata

Trinucleata includes all Trisphourus on Sagan 4 and Mason.

Clade - Hexanucleata

Phylum - Masonipeda

(The Masonipedes, or Quefts)

Phylum -

(mason trisphorus)

Phylum - Ostracogenata

(Rojiform fauna)

Phylum - Tetranucleata

Superkingdom - Hexasaganizoa

Kingdom – Binucleozoa

Binucleozoa includes all of the "Worms" and Crystal Flora on Sagan 4.

Subkingdom - Crystallozoa

Division - Coelomycites

Subkingdom - Symbiovermes

Symbiovermes includes all of the "Worms" on Sagan 4.

Phylum - Palaeovermes


Phylum - Thoracocephalia

(Wingworms, Saucebacks, Scuttlecrabs, and all their close relatives)

Phylum - Pterigiophora

(Beakworms and Gilltails)

Phylum - Conchovermizoa


Kingdom - Krakowozoa

Krakowozoa includes all Shrubites and kin on Sagan 4.

Phylum - Krakowlimia


Phylum - Pentaflagellata

Kingdom - Nimbubiota

'Nimbubiota' includes all Nimbuses on Sagan 4.

Division - Nimbuphyta

Kingdom - Phoenoplastida

Phoenoplastida includes all purple flora and krakowpedes on Sagan 4.

Division - Spherophyta

(Stickyballs and descendants)

Division - Saganifructa
Division - Toxicophyta

(Poison Flora)

Division - Cyanopalmi

(Blue Palms)

Division - Bullophora

(bubble flora)

Division - Vandruoria


Division - Caelucarpae

(purjephen and descendants, "sky-fruits")

Division - Phoenophycae
Division - Euhexapodia
Division - Nautophyta

(Humms and their relatives)

Phylum - Segmentocaudazoa


Superkingdom - Sagamoebae

Kingdom - Chaozoa

Chaozoa includes all chaoses on Sagan 4.

Phylum - Saganichaotia

(singe celled chaoes)

Division - Obsidasterae


Kingdom - Cuniculamoebida

(lithamoeba, Methanophagus)??? Yes or no? Maybe?though things like goliath and chaos are predatory cells, while the lithamoebas are pretty dissimilar in behavior, metabolizing/oxidizing inorganic material

Kingdom - Gastroboskia

Gastroboskia includes all foi and kin on Sagan 4.

Phylum - Haplogastrizoa

(basal foi)

Phylum - Myriagastrizoa

(charybdis foi)

Kingdom - Goliathibiota

Goliathibiota includes all goliath microbes on Sagan 4.

Kingdom - Infinitabiota

'Infinitabiota' includes all infinituses on Sagan 4.

Phylum - Infiniphyla


Superkingdom -

Kingdom - Crustasimilia

Crustasimilis includes all morsuses on Sagan 4.

Kingdom - Melanophyta

Melanophyta includes all Black flora on Sagan 4.

Division - Nigricaulids


Division - Argentophyta


Division - Algaaquilids

(black algae)

Superkingdom -

Kingdom - Kyanozoa

Kyanozoa includes all Glass flora on Sagan 4.

Subkingdom - Cryophyta

Division - Kyanophyta


Division - Hyalophyta

(literally "glass-plants")

Kingdom - Silexivoridia

Silexivoridia includes all Carboneaters and Cryoflows on Sagan 4.

Superkingdom -

Kingdom - Colonusis

Colonusis includes all colony cells on Sagan 4.

Phylum -

(iron forts)

Phylum - Coloniphyta
Phylum - Italborgia

Italborgia includes the descendants of Odo.

Division - Megadendrontiphyta

Kingdom - Paramorphobiota

Paramorphobiota includes all salmundus and relative on species on Sagan 4.

Kingdom - Siderobiota

Siderobiota includes all Iron flora and fauna on Sagan 4.

Phylum - Ferrovermes
Phylum - Ferromycetes

Kingdom - Teproutinia

Teproutinia includes all teproflora on Sagan 4 and Mason.

Superkingdom - "Profundazoa"

Profundazoa includes octhermas, placoballs, hydrotherms and relative on species on Sagan 4

Kingdom - Octhermaeota

Octheraeota includes all descendants of [[Protohydroia Octherma on Sagan 4.

Phylum - Protohydrota

Kingdom - Sulfuritrophia

Sulfuritrophota includes all descendants of the [[Placoball on Sagan 4.

Phylum - Sulfuritrophota

Kingdom - Vulcanizoa

Vulcanizoa includes all descendants of [[Hydrothermus on Sagan 4.

Phylum - Metamothermizoa

Metamothermizoa includes all Keryhs and kin on Sagan 4.

Phylum - Hydrothermona

Hydrothermizoa includes all unicellular descendants of Hydrothermus.

Superkingdom - Protosaganizoa

Kingdom - Aculeuia

Aculeuia includes the sting cells and their closest relatives on Sagan 4.

Kingdom - Basilliota

Basilliota includes the descendants of Brown Basilliphyta.

Division - Basilliphyla

Kingdom - Caudazoa

Caudazoa includes the irisiris, beadlines, and all of their closest relatives on Sagan 4.

Kingdom - Cnidolibiota

Cnidolium includes the "Megaorthoceros", "Kelpegs", and all of their closest relatives on Sagan 4.

Kingdom - Cytovirii

Cytovirii includes the "Eukaryaviruses" and all of their closest relatives on Sagan 4.

Kingdom - Endoturbaria

Endoturbaria includes the "microplaques" and all of their closest relatives on Sagan 4.

Kingdom - Incredundobiota

Incredundobiota includes the "Radiodurans Maximae" and relatives.

Kingdom - Microprobii

Microprobii includes the "yanimalus probisucker", "sudisflutanses", and all of their closest relatives on Sagan 4.

Kingdom - Protobia

Protobia includes much of the microbial life on Sagan 4.

Kingdom - Remizoa

Remizoa includes the descendants of Padler.

Incertae sedis

Kingdom - Cryoutia

Cryoutia includes the descendants of Tealspot Cryoutine.

Kingdom - Kyanochenae

Kyanochenae includes the descendants of Cryoflow.

Kingdom - Slagophyta

Slagophyta includes the descendants of Slagae.

Kingdom - Sudigloba

Sudigloba includes the descendants of Sudline.