
From Sagan 4 Alpha Wiki

(Lutrasorex fructus)
Main image of Sowshrog
Species is extant.
CreatorHydromancerx Other
HabitatSoma Temperate Beach, Drake Temperate Woodland, Drake Chaparral
Size2.5 m long
Primary MobilityQuadruped, Erect Legs
SupportEndoskeleton (Bone)
DietFrugivore (Qupe Tree fruit, Fuzzweed berries, Carnosprawl fruit, Mainland Fuzzpalm berries, Fuzzpile berries, Brickbark Ferine berries, Wafflebark Ferine berres, Syrup Ferine berries), Scavenger
RespirationActive (Lungs)
ThermoregulationEndotherm (Fur)
ReproductionSexual (Male and Female, Live Birth, Pouch and Milk)
Soricia (info)
Tamia (info)
Lignatores (info)
Lutrasoricinae (info)
Lutrasorex fructus

The Sowshog split from its ancestor, the Seashrog. It has moved to a life on land in Drake. Like their ancestors they build complex nests made of wood and leaves. However instead of floating rafts these are dome-shaped shelters. They use their "tail-axes" to fell trees for wood. However they don't just deforest the land; they also replenish the forest.

This new behavior came about when they would store extra food in their dwellings and forget about it. Wanting to keep their nest clean they would bury the rotten matter using their sticks as makeshift hoes. As a result, they accidentally became farmers. This tradition was passed on and became wide spread amongst all Sowshrogs. They types of fruit they plant varies from group to group. Not just planning their favorite local trees or bushes but also spread them to new biomes. Despite all this improvement this "farming" is a step up from caching food, much as a dog burying a bone. Like getting rewarded for doing a trick, they have developed a compulsion to bury seeds.

They are a little longer than their ancestors and will sit on their hind legs in an "S" pose. This not only allows them to look around but also frees up their hands for manipulation. For instance collecting seeds for planting or holding their "digging-stick" for making holes. These sticks are the same shape but used in a different way. Unlike their ancestor they don't actively hunt for meat but will instead scavenge for carrion instead when fruit isn't available.

Drake is a dangerous place and they mainly defend themselves with their sticks by wacking, poking or waving the sticks at predators. The fact they live in groups also helps deter predators. They are a lot more social than their ancestors since they have to be; alone Sowshog could easily get killed. As a result, small "villages" of huts will spring up in an area where their planted groves are fruiting. When the fruiting season is finished they will move on and build new nests elsewhere.

Like their ancestors they have limited vocalizations. However they have developed a different call for different fruit or berries, such as "kokokoko" means Fuzzpile berries. Reproduction and mating is similar to their ancestor, with the exception that males will impress females with the ripest, most unbruised fruit or berries. Thus their mating is usually linked to the fruiting of their chosen flora.

Their intelligence is improved in some areas but diminished in others. Their more social nature helps them retain traditions like planting seeds. Not hunting at first would seem like a waste of their intelligence but stealing from other predators takes as much skill and thinking. Working in packs to distract the predator from its kill and then snatching some for themselves or even sometimes just group intimidation from their vocalizations or waving sticks or tail-axes.

While not the best climbers they are better climbers than their ancestor. This helps them climb up to get fruit or even escape predators. Their front limbs are longer and stronger. This helps them grip the trunk or branches of trees. Their long flexible spine also is useful getting in better positions.