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(Paululumvermis ebony)
Main image of Sporeworm
Species is extinct.
22/140, Habitat Loss (Snowball)
CreatorHydromancerx Other
HabitatYokto Marsh
Size3 cm Long
Primary MobilityUnknown
DietPollenivore (Fan Rootstalk, Wedgestalk, Leaflower, Giant Chamber Stalk, Mavrophyte, Bunopad, Sporeflower, Greater Sporeflower, Trunkpuff, Seedpuff, Orange Spore Sprout, Tallstalk, Fuzzstalk, Bulbstalk, Dressed Sporestalk, Sunstalk)
RespirationSemi-Active (Unidirectional Tracheae)
ThermoregulationHeterotherm (Basking, Heat from Muscle Activity)
ReproductionHermaphrodite, Sticky Eggs
Paululumvermis ebony

The sporeworm split from its ancestor the powder petitworm. It was much better at eating black flora so it displaced it in this food source. However its ancestor still survived off the pollen of purple flora. Its body has changed little, except for its change in color to blend in with the black flora and its orange spores. Like its ancestor it breathes through many holes in its head while its eyes go down its back. It also uses these breathing holes to smell and search out spores to each. Once found it uses its sticky tongue to lick them up. It is an important part of the ecosystem and keeps the black flora in check from taking over the other kinds of flora. Also it ironically helps pollinate the black flora by vising each stalk. It lays its sticky eggs on the trunks of black flora.

Living Relatives (click to show/hide)

These are randomly selected, and organized from lowest to highest shared taxon. (This may correspond to similarity more than actual relation)
  • Crystalworm (genus Paululumvermis)
  • Nectar Crystalworm (family Paululumvermidae)
  • Dome Sapworm (order Lingualiptera)
  • Cloudbubble Tropoworm (subclass Polyptera)