Truteal Egg Krugg

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Truteal Egg Krugg
(Tamagomushi insulaovivus)
Main image of Truteal Egg Krugg
Species is extinct.
24/?, unknown cause
CreatorRhinobot Other
HabitatTruteal Taiga
Size15 cm Long
Primary MobilityUnknown
DietOvivore (Acidfoot Weavesnapper eggs, Polar Skimsnapper eggs, Helmethead Uksip eggs, Uksor eggs), Scavenger
ReproductionSexual, Snail-like Eggs
Tamagomushi insulaovivus

The truteal egg krugg has replaced it's ancestor the egg krugg on Truteal Island. Since the acidfruit megaplage evolved on Truteal Island, the truteal egg krugg has evolved adaptation to deal with the acidic soil. They have become 3/4 their ancestral size. The truteal egg krugg has evolved long claws that grows fast enough to keep up with dirt's acid to keep themselves of the ground and to help climb up the acidfruit megaplage. They also have evolved the ability to jump, not incredible jumpers, but decent jumpers. This is their normal way to get across areas without trees and is a fast way to get away from predators. Like their ancestors, their main diet is eggs and have spikes that break off in other creature's mouths. They will either climb up trees or dig in the ground to find eggs. They will often eat in groups for protection. They are now purple and brown because of this. Since the truteal egg krugg can not lay their snail-like eggs under the soil, they now lay their eggs in dead acidfruit megaplage. The eggs can stay dormant for months until warmer weather comes.