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Revision as of 19:14, 7 April 2024 by Disgustedorite (talk | contribs)
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First Appearance



5769 total / 1959 extant



Community and Production Information

The first paragraph briefly goes over what this group is in taxonomy and general description.

City Snotflora is an example of a eukaryote.

The second paragraph explains any important information about the group and its status and position in Sagan 4's world and history.


This section covers a more detailed description of the group. It may include external taxonomy (where the group fits in with related groups).

This may include taxonomy and broad external descriptions, such as the number of limbs, how they generally move, whether they are warm- or cold-blooded, and how big they tend to be.

This may be split into several sections, apart from the following major ones.


This section goes over anatomical specifics such as bodily arrangement and blood color. It may be accompanied by diagrams.


This section goes over behaviors common in the group, including intelligence.


This section opens with some context of what the group evolved from and how/why.

Following this, each paragraph covers different subjects throughout the group's history. If the group is especially diverse or has existed for a long time, resulting in there being much to cover, it may be further broken down into sections corresponding to major time periods.

This should cover major radiations and diversification, the appearance of any new major groups, and any major extinctions. In particular, if the group's existence overlapped with them, there should be individual sections explaining how each major mass extinction event affected the group--even if they were largely unscathed--and what happened to them in the aftermath.

If the group is extinct, the details of how they became extinct should be noted. If they are extant, the history section should end with an overview of their current status.

The history section is an opportunity to flex your storytelling ability, so be creative!


This section goes over the variation within the group, including general size trends and size records, as well as the various sub-groups that exist. It may include internal taxonomy (where major sub-groups fit together within the group).

With a width as small as only half a micrometer, Sting Cells are not only the skinniest organisms on Sagan 4, but are so thin in fact that they don't even have room for a nucleus--instead being the only organisms to lose the eukaryotic condition entirely.
At 2 km in length, the Orbit Voltflora was the largest eukaryote to ever exist.


There is frequently a section dedicated specifically to size, comparing the largest and smallest members of the group.

Size records may be covered in a lot of detail, such as what species were largest during certain time periods, and what the individual size records are for any major subgroups.


Feroakage is an example of an extant eukaryote.
Marinovermes Microplaque is an example of an extinct eukaryote.

A gallery may be placed here representing the major sub-groups. This may be split into sections for larger groups, or divided between extinct and extant, and random examples of either may also be included.

A list of the subgroups described in 1-2 sentences usually follows.