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(Tripedos barbus)
Main image of Barbback
Species is extinct.
23/145, solar flare
CreatorHydromancerx Other
HabitatDarwin Tundra
Size120 cm Tall
Primary MobilityUnknown
DietHerbivore (Bogaglobe, Saltglobe, Boball, Ringed Terraglobe)
ReproductionSexual, Live Birth, Two Genders
Tripedos barbus

The barbback replaced its ancestor the elegant springneck. It has gotten even taller to help look out for predators with its four big eyes. They travel with herd of purple phlocks and become their eyes and ears. In return they can cuddle up to them when it gets to cold since they have very thin bodies. In addition they stay warm by letting the weavesnapper build their downy nests on their bodies. This in turn keeps them warm.

On their backs are many thorny spikes which protect their butt-nostril from suffocating them. They have lost most of the sexual display adaptions that its ancestor had, however males still have a large orange forehead. The brighter it is the more ready to mate they are. Females then choose the males with the brightest foreheads and healthy tusks.

They use their tusks to dig into the soil and eat purple flora. Since purple phlocks eat most of the bland purple flora they will go after the purple flora which are bitter or salty. They are immune to most of those flora's effects and actually prefer the more bitter or salty tastes. They also can use the spikes on their front limbs to defend against predators. However most of the time they will run away from predators rather than fighting.