Coolsteph Islets

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Coolsteph Islets
Image of Coolsteph Islets.

Landmark is extant.

Creator Mnidjm Other
Week 26
Location Soma Temperate Coast

The Coolsteph Islets are a small collection of low island limestone outcrops that are the remains of the eastern seaside cliffs of the extinct Coolsteph Island. They can be found throughout the Soma coast, but by far the largest collection can be found 5 km off the western shores of Ramul. They are low elevation, rarely reaching higher than 30 m above sea level. They have provided a refuge for many ancient lineages that once inhabited the Coolsteph ecosystem, allowing them to not only survive, but survive long enough to establish a foothold on Ramul. The largest islet, Isla Coolsteph, has an area spanning 2330 km^2. Matted with fields of darwin thornshell, boomsticks, fuzzweeds, and eeyore stalks, Isla Coolsteph had some of the last stable populations of large herbivores such as hopketters and the shaggycoat descendant species. The other islets in the surrounding archipelago maintain little to no large herbivores, as they are fairly lacking in surface freshwater, though even these islets support not just flora, but various small organisms that feed on them as weel as populations of magnificent slaesosaurus ans scooters breeding in the shores. Geological scans of the surrounding oceans and landmasses show that these islands were more common going back to the earlier centuries after the loss of Coolsteph. Scans further show that the north western shores of Ramul have limestone deposits consistent with those found in Coolsteph, leading to the theory that Ramul has in fact merged with a few of these low islands. Whether this merger allowed for the survivors of Coolsteph to reach its shores, or if island hopping lead to the seeding is as of yet undetermined.

Location or largest islets:

Native Species