Rusty Seaswimmer

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Rusty Seaswimmer
(Vitiosiconger chalybs)
Main image of Rusty Seaswimmer
Species is extant.
CreatorNergali Other
HabitatOz Temperate Coast
Size50 cm Long
Primary MobilityUnknown
DietCarnivore (Seafin, Islandball Gillfin, Gillrom, Xatakpa, Rusty Muckraker, Globespot Gilltail, Iron Siever, Golden Siever, Charybdis, Bubblerorm), Scavenger
RespirationActive (Lungs)
ReproductionSexual, Two Genders, Live Birth
Vitiosiconger chalybs

The rusty seaswimmer has replaced its ancestor along the western Barlowe coast. Smaller in size, it retains the traditional seaswimmer morphology but has developed a toxic bite that helps it to take down prey. This poison is delivered through the needle-like teeth within its lower jaw. They still retain a large pair of fangs, though they are mostly for show during mating rituals as their jaw structure does not allow them to effectively use them while hunting.

Subadults and adults alike both live along the coast of Barlowe, feeding on the abundant sea life to be found there. Once every five years, though, mature individuals make a long journey up the Ovi Temperate Salt River. They stop feeding and developing a spotted pattern and larger crest as they make their journey. Once they reach the Ovi Temperate Salt Lake, they mate and give birth to dozens of tiny young, after which they will attempt to return back to the ocean. The young in turn remain in the lake, feeding on the other smaller inhabitants. After six months, they too will make the journey to the ocean. Eventually they will reach full size and repeat the cycle once again, bringing forth a new generation.