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(Litorriregis noctis)
Main image of Slaesodon
Species is extant.
CreatorNergali Other
HabitatClarke Temperate Coast, King Tropical Coast, BigL Tropical Coast, Jlindy Tropical Coast, Chum Tropical Coast, Clarke Temperate Beach, King Tropical Beach, BigL Tropical Beach, Jlindy Tropical Beach, Chum Tropical Beach
Size5.6 m Long
Primary MobilityUnknown
SupportEndoskeleton (Bone)
DietCarnivore (Strainerbeak, Diamond Pumpgill, South Polar Shardgill, Shardscale, Sealyn, Coasterlina Leafshell, Fiesta Leafshell, Aabaalki, Aqueryn)
RespirationActive (Nasal Gills)
ReproductionSexual, Live Birth, Two Sexes
Squalichthyes (info)
Litorriregis noctis

The slaesodon, having replaced its ancestor, the slaesosleekus, has evolved into a nocturnal predator due to competition with the magnificent slaesosaurus and Saurohound, and have now taken to the coasts of the central region of the Darwin-Dixon supercontinent. Because of this change in habit, leading it to becoming more amphibious in nature, this species has evolved to be more mobile on land, lumbering about on land in manner akin to that of the various seal species of Earth. Because such ventures are oft filled with dangers, they are primarily taken at night when the air is both cooler - though still retaining high amounts of moisture - and most other large predators are asleep, as well as potential prey. Retaining water remains a problem as always, but the slaesodon now combats this with even more efficient gill-pouches that dry at a slower rate, but this has come at an evolutionary cost to the species. Because they have become more akin to a labyrinth organ in terms of function, slaesodons must now breath air at regular intervals - while also keeping the regions wet - else, should they be unable too, they will suffocate and "drown". When sleeping, they now bob at the surface, regularly submerging and reemerging as they take breaths to breathe. As an evolutionary adaption to this, half of their brains remain active during these times in order to monitor their buoyancy and prevent them from drowning.

Another unique evolutionary adaption for this species is the formation of specialized air sacs - derived from modified extensions of the gill-pouches - which are capable of being inflated. Besides being brightly colored, they are also capable of producing sounds ranging from wheezing gasps to sharp honks, and serve a variety of functions from communication, mating displays, and even territorial defense. Being semi-social organisms that only truly come together in large numbers when there is either a plethora of food or mates - the latter being one of the few times when they'll be active during the day - this can prove to be especially useful to prevent potentially fatal conflicts between individuals.

Young are born after gestation lasting roughly a year, and are given no guidance by their parents. They will reach maturity within five years, and their full size within ten. Besides these changes, they are rather similar to their ancestors and kin.