Spitting Urslime

From Sagan 4 Alpha Wiki

Spitting Urslime
(Sputatoriuksip spitootii)
Main image of Spitting Urslime
Species is extant.
CreatorHydromancerx Other
HabitatRaptor Limestone Caves
Size60 cm Long
Primary MobilityUnknown
DietCarnivore (Grasping Fessurum, Scavenger Cave Fessurum, Pryer Cave Fessurum, Parasitic Cave Fessurum)
ReproductionSexual, Two Sexes, Mucus-Lined Sac of Eggs on Cave Walls
Konydonta (info)
Sputatoriuksip spitootii

The spitting urslime split from it ancestor the slug urhook. It now lives in Raptor Limestone Caves where it had plenty of iron fauna to feed on. Like its ancestor it is slow moving and moves on its belly. It now produces sticky slime from its belly. The belly has sort of a green slime skirt which helps its stick to the cave walls. Its feet also grip the walls much like a gecko feet, however they are used more for pulling its belly along than keeping hold. They are webbed and are used to swim when in the water.

They must from time to time go back in the water to keep hydrated. They have more developed lungs now so they do not have to return to the water to breathe. In Dixon there is not very much iron and the Raptor Limestone Cave "iron fauna" only survive because of recycled iron from "iron fauna" and "iron flora". This limited source of iron is always getting reduced and dissolving into the water table. Thus they do not consume very much iron in their backs anymore. It is mainly used for storing fat now however the outer layer has a tiny bit of iron which gives it a rusty color. Most of the iron is used in their jelly-filled electromagnetic sensory organ in front limbs. It works much like a compass or metal detector.

Since they had been in underground for so long they eventually lost their pigments and turned whitish-green. The green is from their sulfur based blood that all "ukfauna" have. You can see it the most in their webbed feet and new hearing organ. One set of tentacles now has green bristliest that it uses to feel vibrations in the air and sense sound waves. This helps them "listen" for prey. When prey passes by it can sense it with its bristled hearing tentacles and electromagnetic organ.

Once it senses prey it will spit at it through its tube beak. Like its ancestor it has acidic spit, however unlike its ancestor this spit is also sticky like its belly slime. This not only cause it to stick to its victim but then start to melt off their iron exoskeletons. Now with the prey dead or dying it will slowly climb down and suck out the insides dissolving it as it drips its spit inside. Its 2 front clawed tentacles are used to pry open the shells and even grasp the food so its beak can suck it up. Their main problem is getting to its prey before scavenger cave fessurum come over and take their prey away.

They now only hibernate when food is scarce. They will mate every 5 months and will lay their mucus-lined sac of eggs high up on cave walls so its harder for scavengers to get to them. Once they hatch they will hunt smaller prey like parasitic cave fessurum. And most of the larger fauna actually tolerate them at this stage because they remove the parasites from them. Plus their acid is not all that strong when juveniles. They will sometimes ride on the backs of grasping fessurum until they get too large.

Living Relatives (click to show/hide)

These are randomly selected, and organized from lowest to highest shared taxon. (This may correspond to similarity more than actual relation)
    Slug Urhook (family Bradyankistridae)
    Raq Urpoi (subclass Ichthyosepiomorpha)
    Shingo (class Echinopoda)