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|respiration=Active (Lungs)
|domain = EukaryotaEuκaryota
|kingdom = Carpozoa
|phylum = Spondylozoa

Revision as of 01:30, 21 March 2023

(Chaetodorsus prime)
Main image of Whiskerback
Species is extant.
CreatorHydromancerx Other
HabitatFermi Desert
Size50 cm Long
Primary MobilityUnknown
DietRhizovore (Greyblades bulbs, Sunleaf bulbs), Herbivore (Marbleflora, Pioneeroots), Scavenger
RespirationActive (Lungs)
ReproductionSexual, Two Sexes, Frog-like Eggs Laid into Burrow Ponds
Chaetodorsus prime

The whiskerback replaced its ancestor the rootdigging thornback in Fermi High Desert and spread to Fermi Desert. With the predation of the snapperky and other predators it took to hiding underground. It uses its nose spike and large claws to dig though the soil. They are dark in color to blend in with the black soil and no longer use color spots since they spend most of their time underground. While not colonial they do use each other burrows to get from here to there underground without having to go to the surface. However still being cold blooded they must periodically come up to the surface to sun themselves. Luckily being dark and in the desert this happens rather quickly.

Their back spikes have become feeling whiskers and now run down their whole body. They are used to feel their way in the tunnels and to sense vibrations, since they are deaf. Like their ancestor thet specialized in eating the energy rich bulbs of the greyblades and sunleafs as well as smaller flora like marbleflora, pioneeroots. Unlike their ancestor they build nursery ponds in their burrows for their offspring to live in. They will also provide scraps of food in the pond for their offspring to eat until they have grown large enough to leave the pond.