Fuzzy Lizardworm

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Fuzzy Lizardworm
(Torotokage fuzziwuzzus)
Main image of Fuzzy Lizardworm
Species is extinct.
19/125, ice comet impact event
CreatorHydromancerx Other
HabitatOvi-Hydro Plains
Size2 m Long
Primary MobilityUnknown
DietCarnivore (Buttblaster, Grassing Shellwalker, Brutish Lizardworm) Scavenger
ThermoregulationMesotherm (Setae)
ReproductionSexual (Hermaphrodite), Fuzzy Eggs, Broodcare
Torotokage fuzziwuzzus

The fuzzy lizardworm split from its ancestor the Gladiator Lizardworm. It has adapted to the cold winters near the southern part of the plains. On its skin it has developed proto-fur to help keep it warm as well as becoming "lukewarm-blooded". It has even gotten a bit bigger as well. The emulsifly still has a symbiotic relationship with them and keep them clean.

During the worst parts of the winter it will dig itself an ice den and hibernate until its gets warmer. It will use the dens at night as well. Its strong claws are great for digging. They lays broods of around 50 eggs of which around 5 will usually reach maturation. These eggs are fuzzy and are easier to keep warm in the cold. They lay them in their burrows. They meet during the summer mating season where they will battle for mates. After the broad grows up they are solitary creatures who do not meet until sexually mature.

Living Relatives (click to show/hide)

These are randomly selected, and organized from lowest to highest shared taxon. (This may correspond to similarity more than actual relation)
  • Marmokerd (class Saurovermes)