Green Uktank

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Green Uktank
(Laetiticoncha viridis)
Main image of Green Uktank
Species is extant.
CreatorBufforpington Other
HabitatDrake Taiga
Size80 cm Tall
Primary MobilityUnknown
DietHerbivore (Marbleflora, Pioneeroots, Cryobowls, Glaalgaes) Frugivore (Crystalfir, Emeraldfir, Cryobowls)
ReproductionSexual, Two Genders, Eggs
Laetiticoncha viridis

The green uktank split from its ancestor and has become better adapted to the taiga. They have grown larger in order to retain more heat and have an easier time reaching low-hanging crystalfir and emeraldfir fruits. They have turned green in order to blend into the emeraldfir. However, this camouflage is not perfect, as they can be easily spotted when standing near crystalfirs and glountains. Thus, they have begun to form herds, providing safety in numbers. They primarily rely on this defense when they come to the beach to refill their tank-shells. The males have lost their extravagant santa-hat shells because their bright red and white colors stood out against the emeraldfirs they live around. Their shells now resemble that of their distant ancestors', the drake uktank, but green. They primarily feed on emeraldfir fruits when they're available to avoid competition with festive uktanks. During the late fall, winter, and early spring, when the emeraldfir does not fruit, it will rely on crystalfir fruits and global genus flora. Like their ancestors, they stay in the taiga over the summer, as they use the rainwater to fill their shells.