Ketter Phlyer

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Revision as of 04:26, 22 October 2021 by imported>OviraptorFan
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Ketter Phlyer
(Kitrivenator ketterivore)
Main image of Ketter Phlyer
Species is extinct.
22/?, unknown cause
CreatorHydromancerx Other
HabitatHuggs Lakes
Size160 cm Wingspan
Primary MobilityUnknown
DietCarnivore (River Ketter, Phibiketter, Wide-Wing Ketter, Diamond-Leaf Ketter, Mini-Flower Ketter, Gliding Ketter, Scrubland Ketter), Photosynthesis
RespirationActive (Lungs)
ThermoregulationHeterotherm (Basking, Muscle-Generated Heat)
ReproductionSexual, Live Birth, Two Genders
Kitrivenator ketterivore

The ketter phylyer has split from its ancestor, the worm phlyer. It has specialized to eat only ketters. It can catch them in its grooved beak and fly very quickly to snatch them. Their large eyes help them find prey even if its camouflaged. They will stay in flocks and sleep and raise young in the trees. They gather up floral fibers to make the round nests. They give birth to 2 to 3 babies and their parents will take turns bringing them food until they can fly on their own. Usually, this species mates for life and males will do elaborate courting displays in the air, showing off their bright colors. Like their ancestors they "toot" to each other using their butt-nostrils.