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Vibrant Manestrider is an example of Lumenocula.

Lumenocula contains the most basal ornitheres.

Domain: Eukaryota
Superkingdom: Hexasaganizoa
Kingdom: Binucleozoa
Subkingdom: Symbiovermes
Phylum: Thoracocephalia
Subphylum: Vermitheria
Class: Ornitheria
Superorder: Lumenoculaformes
Order: Lumenocula

Family - Lumenoculidae

Flare Manestrider is an example of Lumenoculidae.

Lumenoculids are the most basal lumenoculans, which more or less just resemble harnessbacks with fans of flight feathers upon their legs.

Genus - Ornitherium

Family - Argusraptoridae

Argusraptor Complex is an example of Argusraptoridae.

Argusraptors are a flightless branch which are raptor-like monodactyl runners. Most of them are large predators.

Genus - Argusraptor

Genus - Gigargus