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( Kruggetica)
Main image of Minikruggs
Species is extant.
CreatorNergali Other
HabitatGlobal (Sagan 4)
Size5 cm to 10 cm Long
Primary MobilityUnknown
DietHerbivore, Rhizovore, Frugivore, Scavenger, Ovivore, Detritivore
ReproductionSexual, Snail-like Eggs

The minikruggs genus group split from its ancestor - the krugg - and spread throughout the various niches to be found on the many islands and continents of Sagan 4. Because of this, they are somewhat akin to Earth's insects in both terms of diversity and habits. They mainly eat flora but some have specialized in eggs, scavenging and even being detritivores. Most species are terrestrial, living anywhere from beneath the undergrowth to high in the canopy, while others will make their home underground, either burrowing or inhabiting the tunnels of other, larger organisms. Some species are partially aquatic, typical inhabiting freshwater rivers and lakes, though a select few inhabit the ocean, either on various colonialball species or on the surface film of the water itself. Most are around 5 to 10 cm long. Beyond that size most niches are taken up by the larger, more robust "macro"-krugg kin.

All are covered in their chitin exoskeleton which helps both protect them and keep their shape. Some have spikes while others are smooth. Depending upon their diet some are poisonous too which they get from the food they ingest. While most walk some can jump and even climb. They have 6 limbs, 4 eyes and 2 mandibles. Their body is made up of 2 main segments, the head and body. At the end is their cloaca which they use to both reproduce with and excrete waste. They lay their snail-like eggs which are typically laid under the soil so predators cannot find them. The eggs can stay dormant for months until warmer weather comes.

Notes: Picture and main concept by Hydromancerx.