Running Secretmaw

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Running Secretmaw
(Secretorostrum violacursor)
Main image of Running Secretmaw
Species is extant.
CreatorOviraptorFan Other
HabitatDrake Chaparral, Drake Rocky, Drake Plains
Size2 meters long
Primary MobilityUnknown
SupportEndoskeleton (Chitin)
DietHerbivore (Baseejie saplings, Bangsticks, Qudokus, Forest Quone, Forest Venomerald, Pagoda Crystal, Vesuvianite Tree saplings, female Greater Lahn leaves, Glaalgaes, Cryobowls)
RespirationActive (Microlungs)
ThermoregulationEndotherm (Feathers)
ReproductionSexual (Male and Female, Eggs)
Symbiovermes (info)
Vermitheria (info)
Cephalischia (info)
Secretorostrum violacursor

As the lipped sauceback grew in numbers, some populations would spread to more open habitats as interspecific competition began to be a problem in their typical forested habitats. Out in the open, lipped saucebacks would not have as much cover to protect them from predators, and so they would have to develop several different adaptations to make a living. This would result in these populations splitting off from their lipped sauceback and evolving into the running secretmaw.

The running secretmaw looks and acts like its ancestor in a variety of ways, such as their two pin-hole eyestrils that are supported by chitin adapted to see the environment around them in a blurry grayscale image. The mouth remains relatively the same with only a couple minor changes. The mandibles remain inside the mouth surrounded to an extendable lip that acts similarly to a proboscis. They also retain the smaller ears of their ancestor, since echolocation is not their primary way of sensing the environment and larger ears would only put them at risk of frostbite. The mandibles have, however, become wider and more stout which helps them better crush and grind up the flora they typically eat.

The diet of the running secretmaw primarily consists of crystal and glass flora with them also occasionally feeding on quones and related species of purple flora, with their mandibles being able to pulverize the vegetation they consume. Since they do not have a larger gut like the double-lipped sauceback, the running secretmaw has to consume a much larger amount of vegetation to get a similar amount of nutrients. Running secretmaws will also feed upon the leaves of female greater lahn when their other sources of food are scarce due to its high abundance.

Living out in the open does leave the running secretmaw devoid of much cover, leaving them vulnerable to attack from species such as snappers and shrogs, thus the ancestors of the species evolved several adaptations to survive. The first major change is patterns and colors to blend in among the abundant greater lahn, giving them the chance to possibly not be spotted by potential predators. More often than not, however, the running secretmaw has to live up to its name by fleeing from predators, with longer legs and powerful thigh muscles allowing them to both sprint at high speeds for short distances and run for longer distances at a moderate pace.

Much like their ancestor, the running secretmaw still retains closable slit-shaped scent pits, a bottlebrush-like layer of fluff on their tails, and camel-like feet though the feet have developed slightly narrower hooves to better grip the substrate when making sharp turns when being pursued. Running secretmaws also live in small herds in a similar fashion to their early ancestor the mae sauceback, which redeveloped due to food being relatively abundant and the herd providing the running secretmaws some protection against their predators. The average herd consists of several females and their young along with a single mature male, though there are also bachelor herds of mature males both young and old.

In a similar fashion to the double-lipped sauceback, running secretmaws will lay and then incubate clutches of 3-8 soft-shelled eggs, which both the male and females incubate by taking turns sitting on them. The difference is that the herd will have the females make their nests close together, relying on the sheer number of eggs to ensure some of them will survive. The mature male will help all the females with incubating eggs, but he will tend to assist females that he prefers more often over other females. The females who have the male assist in incubating their eggs more often typically have higher success rates of their eggs living long enough to hatch.

Once the young hatch, they already have their legs grown in and can run with their mothers within minutes. They stay within the safety of the herd for around 1 and a half years, after which they depart from the herd. Female running secretmaws will join other herds of running secretmaws when reaching sexual maturity while males will search for other herds and challenge the alpha male for breeding rights. These fights are very ritualized, with the two males walking beside one another and smacking their necks together before retreating a certain distance and then going at it again. This cycle continues until one of them gives up and leaves, with the loser often wandering on his own or joining bachelor herds.

A Running Secretmaw's face seen from above when the lips are relaxed.
The side view of a Running Secretmaw's face.