Shellcrusher Flunejaw

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Shellcrusher Flunejaw
(Potentimastax jaggrocus)
Main image of Shellcrusher Flunejaw
Species is extant.
CreatorHydromancerx Other
HabitatDarwin Tropical Rainforest
Size3 m Long
Primary MobilityUnknown
DietCarnivore (Plated-Carapace Krugg, Battalion Krugg), Scavenger
RespirationActive (Lungs)
ReproductionSexual, Two Sexes, Hard-Shelled Eggs
Potentimastax jaggrocus

The shellcrusher flunejaw split from its ancestor, the goliath flunejaw. It has specialized in eating large kruggs. Its huge jaws and front claws can rip and crush the exoskeletons of even the largest kruggs. While other flunejaws have strong jaws, they are weak in comparison to the shellcrusher flunejaw's. While not as large as some of the other flunejaws, it can still stand its own in confrontations. And in general, since they are so specialized, other flunejaws seem to tolerate them with their territories.

Like their ancestors, they will protect their young from other predators by guarding their nests and even when they hatch. They will form mating pairs who both care for the young for about a year. After that, the offspring must survive on their own. To attract mates, males will make large mouth gapes. Those with the largest gaping jaws will get the female.