Shrieking Woodjaw

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Shrieking Woodjaw
(Terrasilva shriek)
Main image of Shrieking Woodjaw
Species is extinct.
22/?, unknown cause
CreatorBioCat Other
HabitatBarlowe Tundra, Razo Volcanic, Barlowe Polar Scrub
Size80 cm Long
Primary MobilityQuadruped, Erect Legs
SupportEndoskeleton (Jointed Wood)
DietHerbivore (Tundra Gemshrub, Thawgrass, Polar Orbion, Numflora, Drakolantern, Nibulb Thawgrass, Needlevine needles, Razodrak, Crater Gemshrub), Photosynthesis
RespirationActive (Lungs)
ReproductionSexual, Live Birth, Two Sexes
Phytozoa (info)
Chloropodia (info)
Pterophylla (info)
Terrasilva shriek

The shrieking woodjaw split from its ancestor and moved to the colder biomes up north. Though it has a lot of competition from local herbivores and many dangerous predators the shrieking woodjaw found many ways to cope with the hard conditions and make a suitable match. Its first main adaption was the changing of its wooden beak to a shorter wooden jaw. This jaw is very powerful and always it to bite straight into thick flora organs and grasping a flora and reaping its root out of the ground. This also gives them protection from many types of flora that release a bad taste and from the numbing effect of the numflora. Its hearing membranes have moved above its eyes in order to be located closer to the tip of its head, as well as giving in a more frightening look. Its crest has moved to the back of its head and became much larger and wider and can be filled with blood for it to be fully open. The shrieking woodjaw uses this ability to scare off predators and competitors looking much larger and more powerful. It now has hooves both in its back and frontal legs in order for it to better move on the icy and snowy land. Its back sails which are used for photosynthesis can now rotate to all directions, also to give it a more frightening look. Its back is colored so that it will blend with more ease with the cold environment while its front is colored in impressive colors and patterns.

Frontal look of a Shrieking Woodjaw scaring away a predator

They live in small groups of about 12 members that is leaded by an alpha male. The alpha male has the first mating rights and about 2-4 females that he alone mates with but the rest can mate freely. When in danger the whole group will all enlarge their crests, spread their sails and shriek in a horrible voice. This will often scare any creature away, or at least shock and delay them. They take care of their young and often feed them and nurture them when they are still small. Mating can be a bit tricky for them like all "beaked" plents and is therefore a long and slightly painful ceremony.

Living Relatives (click to show/hide)

These are randomly selected, and organized from lowest to highest shared taxon. (This may correspond to similarity more than actual relation)
  • Fiesta Leafshell (order Celerisaltores)
  • Jlindohve (superorder Dromeophylla)
  • Clattered Oothecae (subclass Rostrophylla)