Clinging Belumbia

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Clinging Belumbia
(Acariaster polar)
Main image of Clinging Belumbia
Species is extinct.
26/160, Integrated into Belumbias Genus
CreatorMnidjm Other
HabitatFlisch Salt Lake
Size2.5 cm Long
Primary MobilityUnknown
DietHematophagous (Elongated Gilltail), Parasite(Effulgent Scylarian, Crestgrove, Azularian)
ReproductionSexual, 2 Sexes, Sticky Eggs inside Dead Gilltails
Acariaster polar

The clinging belumbia replaced their ancestor and spread to the coast. They have evolved to be able to feast mainly on the elongated gilltails. They cling to the sides of ladym korystals and wait for a gilltail to pass by. Then if they brush up against them, they will cling to them and feed until their full. Their membranes have evolved to act as a second pair of limbs in order to cling better. Their beaks have grown sharper, so they can now pierce the gills without their prey suspecting. While their main prey is elongated gilltails, they can sometimes be found acting as parasites in the gills on snarks. They completely drain their gilltail prey of blood, and during the mating seasons they use the carcasses as a host for their eggs.

Living Relatives (click to show/hide)

These are randomly selected, and organized from lowest to highest shared taxon. (This may correspond to similarity more than actual relation)
  • Vamplumbia (genus Acariaster)
  • Belumbias (family Urphagidae)
  • Dancing Urstar (order Acariiastra)
  • Armored Urzong (subclass Siphonodonta)
  • Ukrith (class Echinopoda)