Immense Flunejaw

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Immense Flunejaw
(Fortignathodraconis dracocolossus)
Main image of Immense Flunejaw
Species is extant.
CreatorTheBigDeepCheatsy Other
HabitatDrake Temperate Rainforest
Size3.5 m Tall
Primary MobilityUnknown
DietAdult: Kleptoparasite, Scavenger; Young: Insectivore (Bighorn Krugg, Dense-Carapace Krugg, Uklunk), Scavenger
RespirationActive (Lungs)
ReproductionSexual, Two Genders, Hard-Shelled Eggs
Fortignathodraconis dracocolossus

Being out-competed by the predatory signaltails, the sailback flunejaw was forced to take two different paths of evolution. One evolutionary path that involved moving out of the Drake Temperate Rainforest brought the finback flunejaw, the other sailback flunejaws that stayed behind took the second path of evolution. These remaining flunejaws evolved into immense flunejaws that replaced their ancestors. The immense flunejaw evolved by becoming larger in height than its ancestor, which makes it harder for other predators to fight it or hunt it.

In order for it to find food, the immense flunejaw has also evolved by developing longer legs that help it travel long distances without losing too much energy. It has also evolved large nostrils that are highly effective at smelling things in long distances, which helps it find food that can be a good distance away. It has also evolved a combination of a shorter face, larger jaws, and a large sagittal crest that all allow for an incredibly powerful bite that can easily crunch through bone and shells, including those of adult sailmails; this gives the immense flunejaw the most powerful bite among the turtsnappers that have existed. Despite all of these monstrous adaptations, the immense flunejaw does not hunt its own prey. Instead, the immense flunejaw has evolved into a scavenger and a kleptoparasite, which means that it steals kills from other predators. It typically scares off other predators merely by charging in or stomping the ground; but when that fails, it will stand on its hind legs and make itself look even taller. And should that fail, it will charge at its foe and bite down on it.

Like its relatives, the goliath flunejaw and finback flunejaw, the immense flunejaw protects its young from being hunted by other predators. The young look similar in shape to the adults, though they are born with gray skin and light blue spots that help them blend in with Glaalgaes and the various "Lur" flora. While the young are able to hunt slower species of kruggs, they prefer to feed on carcasses that their mother can find. The mother immense flunejaw protects its young until they reach at least 1.5 meters in height. By that time, their camouflaging colors would be completely replaced with green skin.