Lootsack Coastsnapper

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Lootsack Coastsnapper
(Orasarus spoliosacculus)
Main image of Lootsack Coastsnapper
Species is extinct.
19/125, ice comet impact event
CreatorBioCat Other
HabitatOvi Coast, Ovi Island Beach, Ovi Beach, Clayren Coast, Clayren Beach
Size150 cm Long
Primary MobilityBiped, Erect Posture
SupportEndoskeleton (Hollow Bone)
DietCarnivore (Walking Uktank, Raking Uktank, Sail Gillfin, Rusty-Red Foi, Krillpede, Rustlicker, Giga-Tube Uktank, Rusty Uktank, Fatlip Islesnapper, Stiltsnapper, Rustworm, Feces Shellworm, Vandriswoop Shellworm, Spiral Urchip, Urstar, Raking Uktank, Rolling Foi, Curtain Urstar)
RespirationActive (Lungs)
ThermoregulationEndotherm (Downy Feathers)
ReproductionSexual, two sexes: hard shelled eggs laid into colonies ground nests
Dakoptera (info)
Orasarus spoliosacculus

The lootsack coastsnapper split from its ancestor, the fatlip islesnapper and evolved a semi-aquatic lifestyle. It lost all of its gliding and flying abilities and now is an excellent swimmer that can get to very high speeds while swimming and diving necessary for it to catch its prey. It no longer lives in packs and only hunts alone except when it's mating season. Their tail is mainly used to make turns and navigate through the waters while their wings\fins have become much stronger and are their main way of locomotion. They still have oily feathers that help it keep warm especially in the cold Ovi Coast waters. As it spends most of its time in the water when it wants to communicate with another member of its specie when fighting for territory or when fishing together in mating season it will use its longer tail-fins it has evolved for that purpose.

Even as it hunts alone due to its size and powerful jaws the lootsack coastsnapper can prey on almost any creature that it can find in the coastal waters. It spends most of its time though in shallow waters where it can easily bring down very big creatures like the walking uktank or the stiltsnapper by jawing on their legs. It can also crack shells and feed on shelled creatures but as it damages its teeth it tries to avoid doing so. It has also evolved its ancestor's ability to maintain lots of food in its mouth by evolving a great sack to do so. It also uses this sack to keep food to feed its young after they hatch as well as to scare rival lootsack coastsnappers.

It spends most of its time in the water though it sometimes returns to the shore mainly to sleep and rest. Also in mating season it loses its lonely lifestyle and packs around in mega colonies. These mega colonies consists of hundreds of pairs of lootsack coastsnappers that mate for life. They take care of their eggs and hatch lings for a few months and then live the beaches only to return next year.

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