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[[File:Kangashrew.jpg|thumb|Most Shrews brood their young in pouches, as seen in the [[Kangashrew]].]]Shrews ancestrally brooded fetal young inside a pouch and fed them milk, much like a Terran marsupial. A handful of species have developed a placenta. Bubbleskins lost the ability to produce milk secondarily, instead feeding their offspring regurgitated blood. All shrews perform parental care, which has never been lost in any species.
Ancestrally, shrews had internal testes and mated via cloacal kiss. This state is preserved in many basal species (excluding the [[cynovenator]], which has hemipenes) and all blood shrews (including [[bubbleskins]]). The [[Beach Cheekhorn]], meanwhile, produces underdeveloped young that are then raised in the pouch in a similar manner to the majority of other shrew groups. Most living furred shrews, however furred shrews, have similar reproductive anatomy to Terran eutherian mammals, including external testes (which is a feature also present on the [[Beach Cheekhorn]]). A notable exception to the latter is the [[tamjacks]], which re-evolved internal testes.

Revision as of 07:42, 21 June 2021

Shrews are creatures of the kingdom Carpozoa descended from the Shrew Lizard. Shrews in general bear several similarities to mammals on Earth. They produce milk for their young just like mammals, and most species have a marsupium in which they raise their young. Most shrews, like the majority of Carpozoa, have six eyes, and all the shrews have at least a rudimentary sense of hearing inherited from the Shrew Lizard. The vast majority of extant species are warm-blooded, though they were ancestrally cold-blooded--endothermy evolved completely independently in furred shrews and bubbleskins. The only living cold-blooded shrews are the Soriparasites.

There are two major branches of Shrew, the furred shrews and the blood shrews. Furred shrews retain a fairly mammalian appearance, while blood shrews took on more varied appearances. Today, furred shrews are only represented by descendants of the Marine Tamow and blood shrews are only represented by the decidedly not-mammal-like Bubbleskins and Soriparasites.


Shrews typically have four limbs. Though they evolved from pentapeds, the tail remains flexible and tail-like, as it was in their direct ancestors. They typically have heterodont teeth, including pointed canine teeth. Most shrews have a pouch, generally located on the belly or between the legs, which is used to incubate their altricial young. They produce milk inside the pouch, which their offspring drink for nourishment. As carpozoans, they typically have 6 eyes, and their nostrils are located on their faces, usually at or near the tip of the snout. Most modern shrews are warm-blooded with only a few cold-blooded species surviving to the present day, though naked cold-blooded shrews were once commonplace in the past.

Fur first evolved in the Hairy Shrew in order to replace its less efficient blubber as its primary insulation.


The two major extant lineages of shrew have very different approaches to insulation.

Furred shrews, as their name suggests, have fur. This is similar to mammalian fur in that it is filamentous, made of keratin, and has a follicle. It provides insulation in a manner similar to fur, feathers, and setae on Earth.

The Shipper Buoyskin is an example of a Bubbleskin with especially prominent bubbles.

Bubbleskins have a unique approach to insulation. Rather than fur, each of their keratinous scales has a hollow air-filled core. Though anatomically very different, they work on a similar principle--heat stays inside the body because it has difficulty being transferred through the bubbly scales.


As there are many types of shrew, their behavior is extremely varied. All shrews have parental care.


The Lemupus had high intelligence, but its ability to utilize it was limited.

Shrews have rarely developed high intelligence. Dromaeocanid shrews developed ape-like intelligence, but they were wiped out by the Shrew Plague and never produced a sapient species.

The Seashrog is an example of an intelligent Shrew capable of tool use.

The Tamjack and its descendants seem to show higher intelligence than their relatives. Most notably among them, the Seashrog developed high ape-like intelligence, a first since the extinction of the dromaeocanids.

Breathing and Blood

Shrews have red, iron-based blood. Their have lungs and require air to breathe.

Diet & Energy

Shrews have varied diets, with many being herbivores or omnivores. Blood shrews, including bubbleskins, were ancestrally hemophagus, as their name suggests.


The Shrew Lizard, the originator of the entire shrew line.

Shrews originated in Glicker, first evolving in Generation 64. The first appearance of fur in what would become the furred shrews was in Generation 67. Blood shrews first evolved in Generation 69, and the first Bubbleskin appeared in Generation 138.

The Woolly Shrew was the first Shrew to evolve a full coat of fur.

Extinction Events and Radiations

Though they remain extant to this day, shrews are no stranger to extinction events, often being whittled down to just a few species in major ones.

The first radiation of Shrews saw the rise of large predators such as the Cantro.

Shrews experienced a significant radiation all over Glicker when they first evolved, spreading to nearly every biome on the continent and even to the nearby Yokto Island.

The River Shrew was the only warm-blooded Shrew to survive the Shrew Plague.
The Death Soriparasite, a Shrew itself, played a big part in spreading a disease which wiped out many of its cousins.

Most of the shrews, even the Shrew Lizard, were wiped out by a deadly plague in generation 95. This plague was spread by one of their parasitic members, the Death Soriparasite. All extant shrews at the time went extinct except for the Bearded Shrew, the River Shrew, the Soriparasite, and the Night Glider. This left distinct "east" and "west" populations, with the Shrews in eastern Glicker being naked blood shrews and those in western Glicker being warm-blooded furred shrews. The bearded shrew and most soriparasites would soon also go extinct due to the gamma-ray burst, which ultimately left only the Beach Shrotter, the Cave Night Glider, the Velishroot, and the Desert Soriparasite. Apart from the sole survivor of the soriparasites, which would remain isolated in Rabid Sandstone Caves for millions of years, these would go on to radiate into a diverse variety of forms.

Descendants of the Chut were among the megafaunal Shrews which appeared after the gamma-ray burst.
The Surfer was among the first Wright-native Shrews.

As life recovered from the gamma-ray burst, pelagic marine Shrews descended from the Shrotter appeared and established themselves in LadyM Ocean, eventually crossing over into Wright. Around the same time, another Shrew, Xolagoba, also rafted across LadyM Ocean and established itself. A particular descendant of the Xolagoba, the Joviglut, went on to diversify all over wright. Meanwhile, Glicker saw the rise of new clades of megafaunal Shrews, such as Chuts and Froots. Blood Shrews also exited the caves, producing a myriad of hemophagic predators. However, when the ice comet impact event struct in Week 19, all megafaunal Shrews were wiped out. This also included nearly all furred shrews in Glicker, with the final population of Taigashroots and Marshroots soon going extinct from a severe drought which swept through their limited range. This left Glicker with only Blood Shrews and Wright with only Furred Shrews. When the continents began to break apart in week 20, only Drake was devoid of Shrews. Jaydoh was actually briefly home to its own endemic Shrews at this time, unrelated to the ones that would reclaim the island later.

The Double-Nostril Joviglut is one of the first known Shrews to exist solely on Jaydoh Island.

When the ice age began, most blood shrews became extinct, as they were cold-blooded and ill-suited to the changing climate. However, in Dixon and Barlowe--what was previously known as Wright--the warm-blooded furred shrews had greater success, taking over the continent.

Descendants of the Bubbleskin are among the only surviving representatives of the blood shrews, and the only remaining ones descended from the Night Gliders.

When the snowball event struck, all Shrews went extinct except for the Whiskerpick, the Bubbleskin, the Desert Soriparasite (which remained isolated in its cave), and their respective descendants. When the ice receded, while Bubbleskins continued to diversify and thrive across different parts of the world, especially Drake and Vivus, the surviving furred shrews were restricted mostly to Jaydoh. Two small populations of Iciclebacks actually survived in Barlowe, but they became extinct from habitat loss without producing descendants.

Jaydoh Desert was home to most Shrew species following the end of the ice age.
The Long-Horned Quilltail is an example of the megafaunal Shrews that evolved on Jaydoh after the ice age before it sank.

As an island continent, Jaydoh developed a unique assemblage of creatures, including megafaunal shrews. A clade of semi-aquatic Shrews comparable to Terran beavers originated there and spread outwards to Dixon, Barlowe, and surrounding islands. At around the same time, one of the megafaunal shrews shrank down and began to climb both cliffs and certain species of flora. This latter species, known as the Beach Cheekhorn, would develop a relationship with the Tlukvaequabora and subsequently spread to Barlowe and Dixon. As the sea levels rose, Jaydoh eventually sank. When this occurred, all furred shrews apart from descendants of the Marine Tamow and Beach Cheekhorn became extinct. At the same time, the rising sea levels also flooded Rabid Sandstone Caves, finally resulting in the extinction of the Desert Soriparasite though not before it gave rise to a descendant that finally left the caves behind known as the Lazarus Soriparasite.

The Marine Tamow is the ancestor of almost all living furred shrews.

This leaves a subgroup of Tams and the Beach Cheekhorn as the two living groups of furred shrews, with the two groups going down different paths. While the Beach Cheekhorn remained uncommon and fell into irrelevance in the ecosystems it survived in, the Tams have since diversified into many new forms, primarily in the aforementioned Dixon and Barlowe. However, some Shrews remained semi-aquatic, advancing their ability to construct their floating nests and eventually producing more otter-like forms. This eventually lead up to the Seashrog, which, thanks to the supercontinent leaving the ocean free of climate barriers, became the first single species of Shrew to be present on every single landmass. As a result, as of Week 26, at least one species of Shrew is present on even the most isolated islands. It has yet to be seen if the cosmopolitan status of this clade will last, however.


Among extant shrews, most furred shrews are quadrupeds while most bubbleskins are bipeds. In general, similar to Terran mammals, Shrew locomotion is hind limb-powered.

Among aquatic Shrews, if they propel themselves with their tail they typically use an up-down motion. There are two notable exceptions to this general rule, however, where they instead use a left-right undulation like a Terran fish instead. The first and earliest case of this method of swimming are the shrotters which have become extinct. The second case of an aquatic shrew using side to side locomotion of the tail is the shrogger, a type of shrog.


Most Shrews brood their young in pouches, as seen in the Kangashrew.

Shrews ancestrally brooded fetal young inside a pouch and fed them milk, much like a Terran marsupial. A handful of species have developed a placenta. Bubbleskins lost the ability to produce milk secondarily, instead feeding their offspring regurgitated blood. All shrews perform parental care, which has never been lost in any species.

Ancestrally, shrews had internal testes and mated via cloacal kiss. This state is preserved in many basal species (excluding the cynovenator, which has hemipenes) and all blood shrews (including bubbleskins). The Beach Cheekhorn, meanwhile, produces underdeveloped young that are then raised in the pouch in a similar manner to the majority of other shrew groups. Most living furred shrews, however, have similar reproductive anatomy to Terran eutherian mammals, including external testes (which is a feature also present on the Beach Cheekhorn). A notable exception to the latter is the tamjacks, which re-evolved internal testes.


Shrews ancestrally possess the ability to hear. Furred shrews have pinnae. Several blood shrews evolved more advanced ears independently, but the extant bubbleskins and soriparasites lack any external ears and must hear using their jaw bones like the original Shrew Lizard did.

The Jumping Stalker was one of the evolutionary dead ends of more advanced ears in Blood Shrews.

Shrews have nostrils on the end of their nose which allows them to smell. Like most Carpozoans, they have 6 eyes.


At 6.5 meters in length, the Shrogre is the largest of all Shrews.
At 7.5 centimeters in length, the Weird-Boned Twintail is the smallest of all shrews.
The 4-meter-long basilotter is an example of a large marine Shrew.
The Lazarus Soriparasite is only 8 centimeters long, making it one of the smallest of the Blood Shrews, tying only with its direct ancestor (the Desert Soriparasite).

Shrews come in many sizes. They are generally small, but megafaunal Shrews are possible and have appeared many times throughout Sagan IV's history.

Types of Shrews

Furred Shrews



Blood Shrews




  • Although Sagan 4 has many other earth clones, Shrews, along with Nodents, are often disliked more than others for unclear reasons.
  • Although Shrews never produced a sapient species, the most well-known of all of Sagan 4's non-canon rejected sapients, the "Chimpus", was a Shrew (specifically, a dromaeocanid).