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(Chloroluter legion)
Main image of Seraslime
Species is extinct.
24/150, Integrated into Oozes
CreatorNergali Other
HabitatDrake Tundra, Jeluki Polar River, Ichthy Polar River, Drake Polar Beach
Primary MobilityUnknown
DietOpportunistic Carnivore (Riverskipper, Clickworm, Ukback, River Plyent, Pewpa, Tripodian, Bipedal Baghopper, Metamorph Fraboo, Fraboohorn, Frabooball, Dartir, Fruit Phlyer, Fishing Grasper, Pink Phlyer, Tundra Bubblehorn, Polar Glasseater, Fatty Diveskunik, Cottoncoat, Bubbleskin, Snowprint, Snohawkworm, Warf Gossalizard, Taloned Phlyer, Needleaffer, Flugwurm, Imperial Leathershelled Tuskent, Lumbering Triwalker, Cuddlebug Phlyer, Burroskunik, Arctic Hookmouth Phlyer, Diveskunik, Grubnub, Hornsniffer, Lickworm, Polar Ukback, Quilled Nailfin, Snowsculptor Janit, Glowing Bandersnatch), Photosynthesis
Chloroluter legion

Splitting from its ancestor, the seraslime came about when ones of its ancestors, the frigooze, which digests just about anything that falls into its pit, attempted to devour several spirobasts that managed to make their way into it. One of these, instead of being totally digested, was gutted and its chloroplasts were incorporated and copied into several frigooze cells. When it came for the colony to reproduce, along with several typical frigooze's being released, a unique "hybrid" was created too. This colonial organism went on to dig its own pit but at the same time developed a new modified way of life.

The seraslime, once it has formed a pit, develops a two-layered colony. The top layer performs photosynthesis, absorbing the rays of sunlight that constantly hit it throughout the day. This action provides the colony a constant source of energy during the day, allowing it to grow to be nearly several meters across and, depending on the abundance of food, several meters deep as well. A slight frost can sometimes form on top of this, especially when it snows, and this can make the colony hard to see. Should something walk over it and fall into the pit, or a naive herbivore thinks it can make a meal of it, the molasses-like seraslime swarms it and drags it down to the bottom of the pit where it is digested alive for nutrients as well as for nitrogen.

Becoming more salt-tolerant, this species can be found near the upper-levels of Drake Polar Beach as well as throughout the region. The colony maintains its organization via chemical signals used as communication between cells, and actions are "remembered" through a form of modified genetic memory. Young colonies only 20 cm in diameter will form over time and split from their parents, heading out into the world in a gelbeast-like form before settling down. It is not uncommon of them to attach themselves to larger organisms while in this state in order to be transported over greater distances.

They have been known to "bait" for prey, keeping a dead carcass at the surface for extended periods of time in order to attract scavengers and predators alike.

Living Relatives (click to show/hide)

These are randomly selected, and organized from lowest to highest shared taxon. (This may correspond to similarity more than actual relation)
  • Arboreal Ooze (class Myxia)